Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dynamic connections rsInvalidDataSourceCredentialSetting


Im having a few issues with a report this should use dynamic connections.

I have a connection based on an expresssion which uses a switch to evaluate a input and select the appropriate connection string for the item.

This all works fine when in BIDS it happily switches between servers no problems. when i then deploy the report to a SSRS server and try and view it i get the following error:

  • The current action cannot be completed because the user data source credentials that are required to execute this report are not stored in the report server database. (rsInvalidDataSourceCredentialSetting)

    The format of connection string i am using is :

    Data Source=<<server>>;Initial Catalog=staging;uid=<<username>>;pwd=<<password>>"

    I have checked the report properties on the SSRS server and the connection correctly reports the conection is expression based and no credentials are required.

    as a trouble shooting exersize i tryed a report which you just pass the connection string into instead of using a switch and got the same error

    I have also tried it on another server and get the same problem.

    Any suggestions?



    Did you find an answer for this? I have the same problem.


    No ive tried a number of different work arrounds but no luck

    Just coming to terms with the fact i may have to have 10 reports instead of the 1



    I had a similar issue with Dynamic connections. In the Report Manager, "No credentials are required" option was set. On searching I got to know that we need an unattended execution account in such cases.

    To create an unattended execution account, take Reporting Services Configuration Utility -> Execution Account.

    Add an existing account. Doing the above procedure solved my issue. Hope this helps. Let me know how it goes.




    Added an execution account and the report runs like a dream!!



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