Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dynamic Report Columns..?

I have a stored procedure that outputs a dynamic resultset with an unknown number of columns...

So, the resultset might look like:

RowId 03/16/2006 03/17/2006 03/18/2006 03/19/2006
Run of House 02 10 20 35
Suites 05 30 05 15

Or it could look like:

RowId 03/16/2006 03/17/2006
Run of House 02 10
Suites 05 30

Or perhaps:

RowId 03/16/2006 03/17/2006 03/18/2006 03/19/2006 03/20/2006 03/21/2006 03/22/2006
Run of House 02 10 20 35 10 15 45
Suites 05 30 05 15 05 10 80

I need a way that I can run a report that displays these results the from the stored procedure without having to know the number of columns. Is this possible..? If so, can you explain how this can be done in SSRS...


the matrix component should fulfill your needs

its like a table but expanding horizontally
but its also a bit more tricky, as you will see


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