Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dynamic Server Path

I have images shown on a report that are stored on a server.
Problem is when developing the server path is different from my live server.
So whenever we deploy the report on the server i have to make a change
manually to the path of the images...i need to make this dynamic.
How can i do this...can i do this in config file. If so how can i set value
in config file(which one specific) and how can i access it in the report.
Any help appreciated...thanks
I would suggest you include all your images in your "Report project" so that
whenever you deploy all these images will get deployed.
"Sunny" wrote:
> I have images shown on a report that are stored on a server.
> Problem is when developing the server path is different from my live server.
> So whenever we deploy the report on the server i have to make a change
> manually to the path of the images...i need to make this dynamic.
> How can i do this...can i do this in config file. If so how can i set value
> in config file(which one specific) and how can i access it in the report.
> Any help appreciated...thanks
> Sunny.
>|||You can use an expression in the url and the variable
"Globals!ReportServerUrl" to make it dynamically.
"Sunny" wrote:
> I have images shown on a report that are stored on a server.
> Problem is when developing the server path is different from my live server.
> So whenever we deploy the report on the server i have to make a change
> manually to the path of the images...i need to make this dynamic.
> How can i do this...can i do this in config file. If so how can i set value
> in config file(which one specific) and how can i access it in the report.
> Any help appreciated...thanks
> Sunny.

Dynamic selection of flat file

I am writing a package where the user uploads a flat file to a web folder. I need to automate this package to run everytime it sees a new file.

How can I implement this?

Can I make a call to a package or a sql server job to run from .net 2.0?

Do I need to use a service broker to look for a new file and run the package or a stored proc....I am looking for an async process where user doesnt have to wait for the package to run as it involves data validation of flat file and its huge...

Please help!!

How about a scheduled package that runs every minute, and if it finds a file it runs the load task, otherwise it just ends.

You could do something event driven with the WMI event task, but I dislike that since it does not tell you what file has been found, or try the File Watcher Task (


Appreciate your response...

I was wondering about creating a config file in the database and update the Connection string value everytime a new file is uploaded with the new file name

And then call the package to run by adding dts assembly to visual studio and doing package.load....

Any suggestion or comments on this as I really dont want to run this every min....

Dynamic selecting a table

I want to write a dynamic Query to select a Column called sFirstName from
different table based on Name column which exists in all the table
The table name which I get from My process is with spaces So I need to
replace " "(Space) with ("_") underscore. I know this can be done using
execute sp_executesql @.sql... but Please advice if this can be done with a
Sql Statement
Declare @.sTemp_Name varchar(100)
Set @.sTemp_Name = replace('Complaint table' ,' ','_')
Select sFirstName from dbo. + @.sTemp_Name + where Name = 'Samay'
The above Code gives me an Error as " Incorrect syntax near '+'. "
Please advice
The only solution for this is using Dynamic SQL using either sp_executesql
SQL Server MVP
"" <>
wrote in message
>I want to write a dynamic Query to select a Column called sFirstName from
> different table based on Name column which exists in all the table
> The table name which I get from My process is with spaces So I need to
> replace " "(Space) with ("_") underscore. I know this can be done using
> execute sp_executesql @.sql... but Please advice if this can be done with a
> Sql Statement
> Declare @.sTemp_Name varchar(100)
> Set @.sTemp_Name = replace('Complaint table' ,' ','_')
> Select sFirstName from dbo. + @.sTemp_Name + where Name = 'Samay'
> The above Code gives me an Error as " Incorrect syntax near '+'. "
> Please advice
> Thanks
> kritisql

Dynamic selecting a table

I want to write a dynamic Query to select a Column called sFirstName from
different table based on Name column which exists in all the table
The table name which I get from My process is with spaces So I need to
replace " "(Space) with ("_") underscore. I know this can be done using
execute sp_executesql @.sql... but Please advice if this can be done with a
Sql Statement
Declare @.sTemp_Name varchar(100)
Set @.sTemp_Name = replace('Complaint table' ,' ','_')
Select sFirstName from dbo. + @.sTemp_Name + where Name = 'Samay'
The above Code gives me an Error as " Incorrect syntax near '+'. "
Please advice
The only solution for this is using Dynamic SQL using either sp_executesql
SQL Server MVP
"" <>
wrote in message
>I want to write a dynamic Query to select a Column called sFirstName from
> different table based on Name column which exists in all the table
> The table name which I get from My process is with spaces So I need to
> replace " "(Space) with ("_") underscore. I know this can be done using
> execute sp_executesql @.sql... but Please advice if this can be done with a
> Sql Statement
> Declare @.sTemp_Name varchar(100)
> Set @.sTemp_Name = replace('Complaint table' ,' ','_')
> Select sFirstName from dbo. + @.sTemp_Name + where Name = 'Samay'
> The above Code gives me an Error as " Incorrect syntax near '+'. "
> Please advice
> Thanks
> kriti

Dynamic selecting a table

I want to write a dynamic Query to select a Column called sFirstName from
different table based on Name column which exists in all the table
The table name which I get from My process is with spaces So I need to
replace " "(Space) with ("_") underscore. I know this can be done using
execute sp_executesql @.sql... but Please advice if this can be done with a
Sql Statement
Declare @.sTemp_Name varchar(100)
Set @.sTemp_Name = replace('Complaint table' ,' ','_')
Select sFirstName from dbo. + @.sTemp_Name + where Name = 'Samay'
The above Code gives me an Error as " Incorrect syntax near '+'. "
Please advice
The only solution for this is using Dynamic SQL using either sp_executesql
SQL Server MVP
"" <>
wrote in message
>I want to write a dynamic Query to select a Column called sFirstName from
> different table based on Name column which exists in all the table
> The table name which I get from My process is with spaces So I need to
> replace " "(Space) with ("_") underscore. I know this can be done using
> execute sp_executesql @.sql... but Please advice if this can be done with a
> Sql Statement
> Declare @.sTemp_Name varchar(100)
> Set @.sTemp_Name = replace('Complaint table' ,' ','_')
> Select sFirstName from dbo. + @.sTemp_Name + where Name = 'Samay'
> The above Code gives me an Error as " Incorrect syntax near '+'. "
> Please advice
> Thanks
> kriti

Dynamic Select/Update Statement Possible?

Would it be possible to retrieve a "dynamically" named field from a table by using an input parameter?

For example, if a table has fields named Semester1, Semester2, Semester3, Semester4, and I was lazy and only wanted to create one stored procedure for all semesters could I do the following...

@.semester int
Select Semester@.semester
From ThisTable

Just curious.

Steve HanzelmanThis might work..

alter procedure u_sp_x
@.semester int
select * from semester
where @.semester = 'semester 1'|||You CAN do just about anything. Dynamic SQL statements would be required here, or a UNION query or complicated WHERE clause. But whether you SHOULD do it is another think entirely. Dynamic SQL statements are a pain in the butt, and should be avoided, and thus are definitely more for masochistic DBAs than lazy DBAs.

Your problem, as is often the case, is that you are having to code around a deficiency in the design of your tables. You should have a table that stores each Semester's value as a separate record. Then your application will also be easily adaptable to situations where three or five semesters are allowed, or half-semesters, or quarters, or whatever.|||Blindman,
I agree re: the design of the tables/database. Unfortunately, it is one that was inherited and belongs to an application that was purchased by my employer. Therein lies the rub...can't modify so I'm try to save a few steps.

Oh well, I'm guessing four procedures.

Thanks for the help.|||OK...

First, I have seen WAY too many slick apps that pretend to be cute..they are MAJOR pain to debug.

The smaller you make your sprocs, the better. And the less dynamic sql the better.

So with that said...the keys to the kingdom

USE Northwind

CREATE PROC mySproc99 @.COLUMN_NAME sysname, @.TABLE_NAME sysname
DECLARE @.sql varchar(8000)



EXEC mySproc99 'ShipName','Orders'

DROP PROC mySproc99
GO|||Brett proposing dynamic SQL?! :eek:

What's the weather forecast in Hell, today? ;)|||I was thinking this, but forgot...

Becareful out there...


Abandon all hope for ye who enter here...

Only dynamic sql I use is for admin purposes...never in an application

(Some would say some of my admin procedures amount to a mini mainframe application...but that a story for another margarita...COME ON 5:00!)

Dynamic Select Statement

please advice me with the below SQL Script
say,I have a cursor to Insert a records in the table if the below condition matches
I have different tables
ID Salary TableName
EMP1 25000 Nametable1
EMP3 15000 Nametable2
EMP19 15000 Nametable3
EMP5 10000 Nametable4
ID Name
EMP1 Samay
EMP2 Rahul
ID Name
EMP19 Samay
EMP29 Rahul
1. I want to get the TableName(@.TableName) from EMPLOYEE where salary = 15000
2. Select a Name from (@.TableName) table
where EMPLOYEE.ID = @.TableName.ID
Declare @.Name
Declare @.TableName
Declare @.ID
Set @.ID = (Select ID from EMPLOYEE where salary = 15000)
set @.TableName = (Select TableName from EMPLOYEE where salary = 15000 and ID = @.ID)
Set @.Name = (Select Name from @.TableName where ID = @.ID)
Now if I execute my script which has a cursor it give me an Error
Must declare the variable '@.TableName '. for Last line script
PLease advice me with this
1) you need to declare your vbls
2) Dynamic SQL means that you build a string (E.g., @.SQL below) which when all put together is a valid SQL Statement. Then you execute it via exec (@.SQL).
Declare @.SQL varchar(2000)
Declare @.TableName varchar(100)
Declare @.ID int
Set @.ID = (Select ID from EMPLOYEE where salary = 15000)
set @.TableName = (Select TableName from EMPLOYEE where salary = 15000 and ID = @.ID)
Set @.SQL = 'Select Name from ' + @.TableName + ' where ID =' + Str(@.ID)
exec (@.SQL)
Tea C.
"" wrote:

> please advice me with the below SQL Script
> say,I have a cursor to Insert a records in the table if the below condition matches
> samay
> I have different tables
> ID Salary TableName
> ==================================
> EMP1 25000 Nametable1
> EMP3 15000 Nametable2
> EMP19 15000 Nametable3
> EMP5 10000 Nametable4
> 2.
> Nametable1
> ID Name
> ============================
> EMP1 Samay
> EMP2 Rahul
> 3.
> Nametable2
> ID Name
> ============================
> EMP19 Samay
> EMP29 Rahul
> Now,
> 1. I want to get the TableName(@.TableName) from EMPLOYEE where salary = 15000
> 2. Select a Name from (@.TableName) table
> where EMPLOYEE.ID = @.TableName.ID
> Declare @.Name
> Declare @.TableName
> Declare @.ID
> Set @.ID = (Select ID from EMPLOYEE where salary = 15000)
> set @.TableName = (Select TableName from EMPLOYEE where salary = 15000 and ID = @.ID)
> Set @.Name = (Select Name from @.TableName where ID = @.ID)
> Now if I execute my script which has a cursor it give me an Error
> Must declare the variable '@.TableName '. for Last line script
> PLease advice me with this
|||Sorry - that was not clear from your original inquiry.
I can think of 3 way to accomplish this:
1) Use a temporary tbl
if Object_ID('tempdb.dbo.##tmp') is not null
drop table ##tmp
Set @.SQL = 'Select top 1 Name as test into ##tmp from ' + @.TableName + ' where ID =' + Str(@.ID)
exec (@.SQL)
set @.Name = (select test from ##tmp)
print @.Name
2) Combine your SELECT and INSERT into a single "dynamic" SQL, by doing INSERT after your SELECT.
Set @.SQL = ' declare varchar(100) Select top 1 Name from ' + @.TableName + ' where ID =' + Str(@.ID) ' + ' -- here goes your insert statement or a call to SP which does the insert'
3) Or just combine INSERT and SELECT into a single query
Set @.SQL = 'insert into NameTable(Name) from Select top 1 Name from ' + @.TableName + ' where ID =' + Str(@.ID)
exec (@.sql)
Hopefully, one of these 3 ideas meets your needs...
Tea C.
"" wrote:
> Thanks for ur reply But I want to store the value into a Variable which i am using to insert a record into an another table
> i.e for
> Set @.SQL = 'Select Name from ' + @.TableName + ' where ID =' + Str(@.ID)
> exec (@.SQL)
> Set @.SQL = 'Select Name from ' + @.TableName + ' where ID =' + Str(@.ID)
> @.Name = exec (@.SQL) -- or somthing like this
> Please advice
> Thanks again
> "Tea C" wrote:
|||Thanks for your Query
I am having a SQl satement as
If(Object_ID('DBName.Dbo.##TEMPDelete')) is not null
Drop table ##TEMPDelete
SET @.Name = (Select replace(@.Name,' ','_'))
Set @.SQL = 'Select top 1 Address as AddressTemp into ##TEMPDelete from '+ @.Name + ' where eid = '+ @.eid
Exec (@.SQL)
Set @. Name = (select @.Name from ##TEMPDelete)
Print AddressTemp
this results back as an error
Invalid Column name EMP123 (the Value of @.eid instead of the column eId)
please advice
"Tea C" wrote:
> Sorry - that was not clear from your original inquiry.
> I can think of 3 way to accomplish this:
> 1) Use a temporary tbl
> if Object_ID('tempdb.dbo.##tmp') is not null
> drop table ##tmp
> Set @.SQL = 'Select top 1 Name as test into ##tmp from ' + @.TableName + ' where ID =' + Str(@.ID)
> exec (@.SQL)
> set @.Name = (select test from ##tmp)
> print @.Name
> 2) Combine your SELECT and INSERT into a single "dynamic" SQL, by doing INSERT after your SELECT.
> Set @.SQL = ' declare varchar(100) Select top 1 Name from ' + @.TableName + ' where ID =' + Str(@.ID) ' + ' -- here goes your insert statement or a call to SP which does the insert'
> 3) Or just combine INSERT and SELECT into a single query
> Set @.SQL = 'insert into NameTable(Name) from Select top 1 Name from ' + @.TableName + ' where ID =' + Str(@.ID)
> exec (@.sql)
> Hopefully, one of these 3 ideas meets your needs...
> Tea C.
> "" wrote:
|||Change your last SET statement to:
Set @. Name = (select AddressTemp from ##TEMPDelete)
and make sure AddressTemp returns whatever you need to retrun when you insert it into the ##tempDelete. If you need a value from a different field (or fields), you will change your @.SQL to include these additional fields (E.g., select top 1 Address, City
, AddressID into ##tempDelete ...etc.). You can then retrieve each of these fields into your vbls after you execute your dynamic SQL (@.SQL).
declare @.addressID int
declare @.address varchar(50)
declare varchar(50)
Select @.addressID = AddressID, @.Address=Address, from ##tempDelete
-- Just for fun, print
Print @.AddressID
-- or you can do (as you are already doing)
SET @.addressID = (Select AddressID from ##tempDelete)
SET @.Address = (Select Address from ##TempDelete)
SET @.City = (Select City from ##tempDelete)
-- Just for fun print
print @.address
Tea C.
"" wrote:
> Thanks for your Query
> I am having a SQl satement as
> If(Object_ID('DBName.Dbo.##TEMPDelete')) is not null
> Drop table ##TEMPDelete
> SET @.Name = (Select replace(@.Name,' ','_'))
> Set @.SQL = 'Select top 1 Address as AddressTemp into ##TEMPDelete from '+ @.Name + ' where eid = '+ @.eid
> Exec (@.SQL)
> Set @. Name = (select @.Name from ##TEMPDelete)
> Print AddressTemp
> this results back as an error
> Invalid Column name EMP123 (the Value of @.eid instead of the column eId)
> please advice
> "Tea C" wrote:
|||If your eID exists as a column in the Address table, then you would change your @.SQL to:
SET @.SQL = 'Select top 1 eID into ##TEMPDelete ......'
After executing the above @.SQL, you will end up with a tmp table ##TempDelete, which will have a single column, named eID. From here you treat your temp table, just like any other table.
Select * from ##tempDelete
then change your last SET statement to:
Set @. Name = (select eID from ##TEMPDelete)
Tea C.
"Tea C" wrote:

> Change your last SET statement to:
> Set @. Name = (select AddressTemp from ##TEMPDelete)
> and make sure AddressTemp returns whatever you need to retrun when you insert it into the ##tempDelete. If you need a value from a different field (or fields), you will change your @.SQL to include these additional fields (E.g., select top 1 Address, Ci
ty, AddressID into ##tempDelete ...etc.). You can then retrieve each of these fields into your vbls after you execute your dynamic SQL (@.SQL).[vbcol=seagreen]
> declare @.addressID int
> declare @.address varchar(50)
> declare varchar(50)
> Select @.addressID = AddressID, @.Address=Address, from ##tempDelete
> -- Just for fun, print
> Print @.AddressID
> -- or you can do (as you are already doing)
> SET @.addressID = (Select AddressID from ##tempDelete)
> SET @.Address = (Select Address from ##TempDelete)
> SET @.City = (Select City from ##tempDelete)
> -- Just for fun print
> print @.address
> Tea C.
> "" wrote: