Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dynamic Query :: HELP!

I'm the new guy and I could use a hand. Any insight would be appreciated.

Basically my task is to create a dynamic way to merge columns from multiple rows. Way the table is set up data is imported and one entry may be up to 3 rows one column from each row can be merged to form a long description, I would like to create a view that would allow you to dynamically query this data and have the description be merged in the result set.

row1 x y z
row2 x b z
row3 x m z

results should look like :: x, (y + b + m) , z

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!numbers? you can SUM() them, but description? can't be done

you'll need to write some sort of script, either in the application that calls the database, or mayhaps in a stored proc that can cursor through the rows|||numbers? you can SUM() them, but description? can't be done

you'll need to write some sort of script, either in the application that calls the database, or mayhaps in a stored proc that can cursor through the rows

Unfortunately the data is all of char type. :confused:|||Any suggestions of how to go about doing this using a procedure?|||http://www.dbforums.com/t1038027.html|||Thanks for the link...I can't say I totally understand the function though.

I hate to ask this, and sound like an idiot, but can anyone give me the english break down?|||Cut and paste this code in to Query Analyzer...


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