Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dynamic columns


In my report i want to display dynamic columns.For displaying what are columns available to user,Iam displaying the columns names in one multivalued parameter.For example in my report i have Date,CaseId,Age,State as columns,and multivalued parameter name is "Columns".

I wrote a custom function i.e ShowParameterValues(...) returns String s.If we select the Date and CaseID from the columns then s contain value:Date CaseID

Public Function ShowParameterValues(ByVal parameter as Parameter) as string
Dim s as String
For i as integer = 0 to parameter.Count-1
s =s+ CStr(parameter.Value(i))
Return s
End Function

Now i want to show those two columns only.How to acheve this.

Thanks in advance

Currently, the RS object model doesn't support this feature. You can:

1. Include all columns on the report and hiding the ones that are not needed conditionally (Hidden property = True)

2. Implement a custom application which changes and uploads the report definition.



How to hide some columns conditionally.I need all the columns,show the columns which the user selects from multivalued parameter.

Thanks in advance


Each column has a Hidden property which can be expression-based, e.g.:

=IIF(<evaluate your parameter selection condition>, True, False)



I know this.But how to write the condition,how would we know which column is selected from multivalued parameter

Please help me

Thanks in advance

i am doing something similar for a selector where the user pick a start period and an end period. I am not using Matrix in this case because I want the table.
Should be similar enough to what you want to do.

In the second Column Hidden property put something like that:

= iif( CountRows("(Items_Selected") <2, True, False)
And increase the number by 1 for each consecutive column.

Have a dataset "Items_Selected" build upon your multi-select, something like that:

select Distinct
Case @.Time_Items when 'Qtr' then b.Qtr when 'Mth' then b.Mth when 'Week' then b.Week end as item
FROM onGlobals.dbo.tb_TimeBillBack b with(nolock)
where Case @.Time_Items when 'Qtr' then b.Qtr when 'Mth' then b.Mth when 'Week' then b.Week end >= @.Period_Start
AND Case @.Time_Items when 'Qtr' then b.Qtr when 'Mth' then b.Mth when 'Week' then b.Week end <= @.Period_End

Where you would have the b table build with all possible values present in your multi-value parameter.

Change the code above to use a IN clause to evaluate your multi-values.

It is kind of a hack which I hate but it works. Set the report layout with all possible columns and set the hidden property of each and every one of them.

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