Sunday, February 26, 2012

Dynamic Cursor

I am trying to use a dynamic cursor in a stored procedure:
The code looks like this :

/************************************************** ***
set @.sFormula = 'Monthlyformula'
set @.sStartDate = '02/01/2004'
set @.sEndDate = '02/01/2004'

exec('DECLARE APPGRIDROWS_METRICS CURSOR FOR select populateid From appgridrows where histdisplaygrid = 3 And '+ @.sFormula +' Is Null and exists (SELECT 1 From PAYROLL_DATA_PERIOD as h Where and h.populateid=appgridrows.populateid and h.StartDate between '+ @.sStartDate +' and '+ @.sEndDate +')' )
/************************************************** ***

And this is what it is interpreting

select populateid From appgridrows where histdisplaygrid = 3 And Monthlyformula Is Null and exists (SELECT 1 From PAYROLL_DATA_PERIOD as h Where and h.populateid=appgridrows.populateid and h.StartDate between 02/01/2004 and 02/01/2004)

My problem is Is there anyway that I can put the quotes before those dates('02/01/2004') so that my cursor has some records returned

Thanks in advance

SKwhat happens if you try

exec('DECLARE APPGRIDROWS_METRICS CURSOR FOR select populateid From appgridrows where histdisplaygrid = 3 And '+ @.sFormula +' Is Null and exists (SELECT 1 From PAYROLL_DATA_PERIOD as h Where and h.populateid=appgridrows.populateid and h.StartDate between '''+ @.sStartDate +''' and '''+ @.sEndDate +''')' )

or is it

exec('DECLARE APPGRIDROWS_METRICS CURSOR FOR select populateid From appgridrows where histdisplaygrid = 3 And '+ @.sFormula +' Is Null and exists (SELECT 1 From PAYROLL_DATA_PERIOD as h Where and h.populateid=appgridrows.populateid and h.StartDate between ''+ @.sStartDate +'' and ''+ @.sEndDate +'')' )|||Dynamic SQL AND a Cursor..

Johnny...tell him/her they've won...

Is this inside a sproc?

What are you ultimatley trying to do?

In other words, what action is applied to the cursor rows?|||Originally posted by Paul Young
what happens if you try

exec('DECLARE APPGRIDROWS_METRICS CURSOR FOR select populateid From appgridrows where histdisplaygrid = 3 And '+ @.sFormula +' Is Null and exists (SELECT 1 From PAYROLL_DATA_PERIOD as h Where and h.populateid=appgridrows.populateid and h.StartDate between '''+ @.sStartDate +''' and '''+ @.sEndDate +''')' )

or is it

exec('DECLARE APPGRIDROWS_METRICS CURSOR FOR select populateid From appgridrows where histdisplaygrid = 3 And '+ @.sFormula +' Is Null and exists (SELECT 1 From PAYROLL_DATA_PERIOD as h Where and h.populateid=appgridrows.populateid and h.StartDate between ''+ @.sStartDate +'' and ''+ @.sEndDate +'')' )

Either of the Methods deosnt work|||I am trying to get records from a sql into cursor, in which the sql is determined by the input parameters for that SP. Thats why the sql is determined dynamically


Originally posted by Brett Kaiser
Dynamic SQL AND a Cursor..

Johnny...tell him/her they've won...

Is this inside a sproc?

What are you ultimatley trying to do?

In other words, what action is applied to the cursor rows?

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