Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dynamic database in Web Service

I have a question about changing the database source dynamically in a Web Service. I have created a Web Service for a Crystal Report using VS .NET 2003. I use Crystal Reports Web Viewer to display the report in an ASP.NET page. My database is an Access database and I have a copy of the report source database for each unique user to the Web page. I read the post on changing the database dynamically but it seems to be changed on the Crystal Reports viewer and not in the Crystal report which would be done in the Web Service. I have tried setting debug stops in the code behind module in the Web Service but the debugger does not seem to reach the breakpoints. Can you offer any advice on modifying the database connections dynamically in the Web Service?I have a similar problem. I can set the viewer db properties when i declare a web service but i cant use report engine object model. Can you tell me how you have accomplished that|||I found it fairly easy to bind to a single database. I merely opened the Crystal Report in Visual Studio .NET. In the Report Design view, I right click on the Database Fields in the Field Explorer and Select "Set Location". I defined an ODBC connection to the database and bind the report to that. Turning the report into a Web Services was easy as well. I added the report to a project that I was using to define Web Services. Then right click on the project and select Publish the report as a Web Service. Visual Studio does all the rest. Unforunately all of this is a design/build time and I haven't figured out how to change the database during runtime.

Hope this helps you.|||thanks for the reply. However that is not my problem. I want to be able to export these reports as well. Exporting code only works from report engine object model and you cant use it from client application if your reports are published as web service. That is my complication. I can set parameters, db changes at runtime when i do web services. Still thanks for the reply|||I'm sorry. I guess I did not understand the question about the the report engine object model. I also am not sure what you are referring to on exporting the reports. I haven't done anything beyond the defaults that you get when Visual Studio creates the Web Service except to connect it to the Crystal Reports Web Viewer in the ASPX pages. What did you mean when you said you can set parameters, db changes at runtime through web services? My main question is how to specify a different database file(Access database) at runtime.|||This is how u do it with web services and a strored procedure as your data source. If you use tables as data source. loop through all the tables and set the propetries of the tables(uid,pwd,dbname, servername)
Hope this helps.
Exporting questions is i have to export the reports in crystal to excel, pdf, word format.That can rbe done using viewer object model and i have to do it in web services but i dont know how to modify the engine in the web service code. I have the same problem you have. U cant debug any code in web services

Dim mytablelogoninfos As New CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfos
Dim mytablelogoninfo As New CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo
Dim myconnectioninfo As New CrystalDecisions.Shared.ConnectionInfo

With myconnectioninfo
.UserID = "uid"
.ServerName = "servername"
.Password = "pwd"
.DatabaseName = "dbname"
End With

mytablelogoninfo.TableName = "cspAppointmentsReport;1"
With mytablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo
.UserID = "uid"
.Password = "pwd"
End With
mytablelogoninfo.ConnectionInfo = myconnectioninfo
CrystalReportViewer1.LogOnInfo = mytablelogoninfos
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = New localhost.AppointmentSubReportService|||Now I understand what you mean by exporting and no I haven't tried anything like that yet. Sorry I don't think I can help you.

Thanks for the sample code. I will see if I can make it work for what I'm trying to do. I appreciate the help.

Good luck solving your problem.

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