Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dynamic DataSource

How do I change a DataSource on the fly. Do I make the Data Source and the Catalog values parameters in the report then in code feed the parms in like you would a other report parms or in code just make a new definition then call rs2005.SetDataSourceContents(reportPath, definition);?
I have had trouble finding help on this subject and would appreciate knowing how you made it work or a link to a useful help doc.
-JWIf you're talking about a report you intend to publish to the report server, the way to do this is:
1) create a static report specific data source (specify the connection string explicitly). Do not use a shared data source reference!
2) build your report as you normally would
3) test that it works :-)
4) change the connection string in your report specific data source to be an expression.

For example, if you are using SQL Server 2005 as your data source:
Original: data source=localhost\instanceName; initial catalog=AdventureWorks
Expression Based: ="data source=" + Parameters!P1.value + "; initial catalog=" + Parameters!P2.value

You might need to add quotes if your catalog name has spaces. You can use either parameters or an expression. For, example you might have a function you define in your report that looks up the right database for a given user:
="data source=" + Parameters!P1.value + "; initial catalog=" + Code.LookUpDatabaseForUser(Globals!UserID)

The variations on this theme are endless. You might use a different database if you have a different language to get the right group names, etc.

The thing to note is that the databases all have to have the same schema so that your query works.

Of course, you could then make you query to be expression based... but that's adding a whole lot of complexity and should be considered only if you really need it for your report.

-Lukasz|||Thank YouBig Smile|||

do you have a sample for rs2000? Thanks.

|||Expression based connection strings are new in RS 2005.


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