Monday, March 26, 2012

Dynamic Queries Errors in Report Manager

I am trying to replicate the use of Dynamic Queries in SQL Server 2000
Reporting Services documented in the "Hitchhiker's Guide to SS 2000 RS."
I have done everything the book has told me to do. I can build and run the
project in test mode, and deploy to my test server
(http:\\localhost\ReportServer) without error.
I have already set up the datasouce for the application in the Report Server
when I try to run the deployed project. Every time I run the project I get
the following:
1) An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Get
Online Help
2) Query execution failed for data set 'dsCustomers'.
(rsErrorExecutingCommand) Get Online Help
3) Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '='.
I think it's pointing at my Data set in my data tab, but am not sure why it
will point there when it worked in test mode!
Does anyone know how to fix this problem?Hello,
I am guessing that by dynamic queries you mean queries with parameters.
I am using them with a teradata db and to get the parameters to work in
the query I have to precede the query with =" and end it with ". To
insert the parameters you put "+Parameter!Name.Value+".
I hope this helps,
Lilja|||Lilja, first I want to thank you for lending a hand. I appreciate it very
Second, I want to restate you comments in my own words. For a dynamic query
with Parameters, I will start my statement with an equals sign (=).
To the left of the equal sign there will be nothing. To the right of the
equals I need to put the equation (which calls an assembly outside of my
project) in between double quotes: ="proj.class.method()".
Whenever I want to add a parameter to the equation I drop out of the string,
and add the literal with a + before and after the parameter:
When I run the project in local debug mode, it works fine. When I change
the settings to Debug, give it a path "http://localhost/ReportServer" and
deploy it, I still get the same error. Is there something else that could be
the problem?
My equation runs over into a second line. Does it need the VB underscore to
carry the line over? ' _ '
Thank you very much again.
"kisa" wrote:
> Hello,
> I am guessing that by dynamic queries you mean queries with parameters.
> I am using them with a teradata db and to get the parameters to work in
> the query I have to precede the query with =" and end it with ". To
> insert the parameters you put "+Parameter!Name.Value+".
> I hope this helps,
> Lilja

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